13.07.2024 , ,


Neve Bradbury took a spectacular Women’s World Tour victory today on the Blockhaus queen stage of the Giro d’Italia. With over 3700m of elevation, the Cima Strada proved no obstacle for the 22-year-old CANYON//SRAM Racing climbing sensation. Neve jumped to third on the general classification and took over the Best Young Rider classification from teammate Antonia Niedermaier, who climbed impressively for fifth place. From Zwift Academy winner in 2020 to Giro d’Italia stage winner in 2024, Neve firmly established herself as one of the best young climbers in the peloton, creating a formidable climbing duo with Antonia. Her victory comes less than a month after her first Women’s World Tour stage win at the Tour de Suisse.

The peloton again raced in sweltering conditions for the 123km Blockhaus stage. In one of the most demanding stages seen in women’s cycling, the peloton was reduced to around 25 riders on the first ascent of Passo Lanciano. On the second ascent, Neve first attacked with 14km remaining. Only Pauliena Rooijakkers could bridge across, but the pair were caught soon after following a hard chase by the Maglia Rosa, Elisa Longo Borghini (LTK). Only five riders then remained in the leading group, including Antonia and Bradbury. After a few more kilometres, Neve again attacked, creating a gap that no one could close and crossing the line victorious atop the 17km-long Blockhaus climb.

Neve is now third overall at +1:12 behind Longo Borghini. She leads the Best Young Rider classification ahead of teammate Antonia, who is sixth overall at +2:28 and going into another mountain stage tomorrow.


Neve Bradbury: “I’m really happy with today’s stage. We knew that Antonia and I had good legs and had been riding strongly in the Giro. We wanted an aggressive race with no regrets, which played well for us. I was on the limit when I attacked, but you have to try. I had tried once before, but then Pauliena came across, and we were caught. The pace dropped, and Maggy (Bäckstedt) encouraged me to go again. I got a bit of a run-up and saw, okay, maybe I have a gap.”

“I was focused only on the stage win, but then the gap got bigger, which I knew might also change the GC. By then I just went as hard as I could to the finish line.”

“I got a lot of cheering from the team on the radio and the staff on the side of the road. It was pretty cool. The climb is brutal. It’s the hardest race I’ve done. If you had told me four years ago after winning Zwift Academy that I could win a stage of the Giro, I would not have believed it! This will take a while to sink in.”

Magnus Bäckstedt: “I’m not sure where to start with that win. We had a good plan and wanted to race aggressively with Neve and then save for Antonia to be able to play it more cool and reserved. Neve smashed it out of the park. She took the climb on a steep section and took off like a rocket. Being able to hold that against Longo Borghini, Rooijakkers and Kopecky chasing behind is an awe-inspiring ride by Neve.”

“It’s nice to get a stage win at the Giro and she’s moved up onto the podium on GC as well. We knew that Antonia’s attack would have caused a different reaction. Unfortunately, Antonia didn’t get to show what she could do, but she’s done a phenomenal ride out there today in the heat on one of the hardest stages in women’s cycling, at least since I started watching women’s cycling. It’s very special to have those two young climbers on a stage like today.”

“Neve has been growing every year since she won the Zwift Academy in 2020. This year, she’s taken another step. She’s racing cleverly and more confidently. It shows, again, that we can find talents at Zwift Academy and, with time, let them grow into big stars. We couldn’t be more excited where we are with the whole team now.”


The final stage of the 2024 Giro d’Italia can be followed on X with #GirodItaliaWomen. Eurosport, RAI Sport, FloBikes and MAX will broadcast it live at 12:50CEST.

Stage 8 | Sunday 14 July | Pescara – L’Aquila | 110km | Start 10:50CEST.


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